2017-08-26 - Knock, Knock, Knocking on Emaad's Door

^z 29th March 2023 at 7:15pm

~25.3 miles @ ~13.8 min/mi

"It would be a bit radical if we ...", Dr Fonda begins her suggestion of a new route, then pauses and smiles. She knows that using the word "radical" is like throwing chum to a shark whenever I hear it. Irresistible and inevitable: adventure beckons! We're already several miles out from Stephanie's home, having diverted to snag iced coffee at Quatermain's and then run a lap around the Walter Johnson HS track. "Westward ho!" now, on Democracy Boulevard from Seven Locks Road. A mile later as we pass the USPS Bolger conference facility suddenly I realize where we are.

"Emaad lives nearby!" I exclaim. "Let's visit him!" A few years ago he led Barry and Ken and me around his 'hood (see 2015-01-19 - Bolger Center). Alas, memory is hazy as to the proper route; Stephanie and I soon find ourselves dancing along the narrow shoulder of Falls Road, leaning out as cars speed past. Eventually local streets and a woodsy cut-through get us safely to Stately Burki Mansion. Alas, no answer to the doorbell. Maybe the butler is napping?

"Dur-YEAH!" Stephanie echoes Google Map's pronunciation of Duryea Drive as we navigate to Tuckerman Lane. Winston Churchill HS track offers the dynamic duo another chance to run a lap, along with a welcome water fountain. The bulldog school mascot reminds Stephanie of Louis, her dear Frenchie. On the home stretch we run a lap at Tilden Middle School as three ladies practice yoga and then start strength work. At 7-11, Gatorade and a Slurpee; at Garrett Park Station, a freight train. Today's tarot card is the Two of Cups: "Friendliness", the perfect description of a glorious trek with a dear trail comrade. Thank you, Stephanie!

(trackfile) - ^z - 2017-09-20